I wish I had taken many more baby pictures of his feet and legs! When Ethan was born, his nine toes surprised us, but doctors did not provide a diagnosis of fibular hemimelia until Ethan was 9 months old. This was after I noticed his leg length discrepancy when he was three or four months of age -obvious in the pictures below! (2004)
By five-years-old, his discrepancy was about 5-6 centimeters, and we had made our way to Baltimore and Dr. Standard. He experienced no problems or limitations -aside from an occasional knee pain or two (probably caused by his valgus (knock-knees).
Ethan's first surgery was performed four months before his 7th birthday; this involved the placement of an external fixator on the tibia/fibula and an 8-plate insertion. The first six weeks were rough -as he lost the ability to bend his knee without excruciating pain. After much therapy, however, he began to make great gains. His leg was quite cooperative, and aside from a few pin site infections, things progressed rather smoothly. We stayed in Baltimore for 10 weeks post-surgery in order to be near Dr. Standard and the physical therapy department. Ethan had land and pool therapy three times a week and x-rays every two weeks! We were able to watch his leg grow 6 centimeters as new bone developed (2011)
Six months later, Ethan had his second surgery - to remove the fixator and replace it with a thigh-high cast. (2011)
Though a bit cumbersome, wearing a cast for eight weeks was a sigh of relief in comparison to the ex-fix!
After a couple of months, the first cast was replaced with a removable one, and after almost 9 months, his leg was free! Ethan began therapy to strengthen his leg and to learn to walk with a normal gait. As the picture above shows, the valgus in his knee was still an issue after removal, and his scarring was quite prominent. (2012)
A year after fixator surgery, Ethan had his third surgery to move the 8-plate in his femur to his tibia -to continue working on the valgus in his knee -and ultimately straighten his leg. Dr. Standard also attempted to release his scars in order to correct the deeper scars that wanted to adhere to the bone (pins from the ex-fix had pushed the skin to the bone). Ultimately, some scars simply were corrected while others returned to the previous "sunken" state. Recovery was surprisingly quick with minimal pain. (2012)
The pictures above show the difference that 8-plates can make in the overall "straightness" of the legs! However, fibular hemimelia legs are apt to slide back into a valgus position -and that's what Ethan's legs did -requiring another 8-plate transfer -this time from the tibia back to the femur.
This is a pic of the 8-plate that has been so necessary, and yet so troublesome!
Less than a year later, Ethan's femur slipped back into a valgus position, so another 8-plate surgery (fifth surgery in total) was required. Dr. Standard also decided to address his ankle! As the pic below illustrates, his ankle turns in, as it is also in a valgus position. Therefore, an 8-plate of sorts was inserted in the ankle as well, projected to take a couple of years to correct.
In October of 2015, Ethan had a sixth surgery to have both 8-plates removed -one from the femur and one from the tibia. Recovery was rather smooth -and he enjoyed spending his P.E. time talking to one of his favorite teachers, Mr. Trent! (2015)
By March of 2017, Ethan's leg had, yet again, slipped into a valgus position, and this time, he was experiencing a lot of ankle pain. Dr. Standard decided to perform an 8-plate insertion at both the femur and tibia, but to also address the ankle. He cut part of Ethan's tibia that was impinging on his ankle in order to improve his flexion and hopefully help with the pain. Because this procedure was more invasive, it required an overnight stay in the hospital. Following the procedure, Ethan's leg was wrapped tightly, almost cast-like, and we returned to Baltimore in April to have the wrappings removed and replaced with a boot. This seventh surgery proved to be quite painful for Ethan; the ankle procedure especially gave him a great deal of discomfort. (2017)
In April of 2018, both 8-plates were ready to be removed. This was a simple, eighth surgery and recovery, and Dr. Standard declared Ethan holds the record for 8-plates! (2018).
In November of 2019, Ethan had his 9th surgery! This was a very difficult one, as Dr. Standard inserted a Precise Nail in the femur in order to lengthen Ethan’s leg 6 centimeters. This process involved the use of a magnet that, when placed on the leg, turned the rod inside and lengthened the bone. We stayed in Baltimore for 3 weeks this time in order for Ethan to receive physical therapy and to go to clinic appointments every two weeks. Once we returned home, we had to make the trip to Baltimore every two weeks for 3 months! Ethan continued physical therapy until May.
Ethan’s 11th surgery will be in June of 2021. This will be performed in order to remove the lengthening rod and the hip screws.
While you're here with me, can I just say that God has a plan for my son -that his diagnosis of fibular hemimelia -though labeled a "defect" by the world -is simply part of God's plan for his life. Psalm 84:11 reassures us that God will not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly. God has not chosen to withhold good things from Ethan; he promises, instead, to work all things -including this, to his good!