Psalm 139:14
King James Version (KJV)
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
I think of the little one from our little community waiting to be well enough for a new heart. And I think of his parents, waiting in a hospital room so far from their home, at times, I'm sure, wondering why. And the nine toes and shorter limb seem so pale in comparison.
It's interesting how we define perfection. What we tell ourselves we should be. What we try to impose on our children. Ten fingers and nine toes equals less than expected. Less than expected leads to doubts. "What did I do wrong?" quickly becomes "Why did He do wrong?"
Yet, the Truth of His Word declares that the Works of His Hands are "Wondrous" and "Worthy" of "Praise."
What happens when we stop Asking Why and start Embracing Why?
On the way to church Wednesday, he feel asleep in the car, tired out from a weekend of 104 fevers, his face still pale and drained. I stared at this little face, the perfection of smooth, eight-year-old skin, and wondered about the Why.
Today, on his ninth birthday, I still wonder. About the nine toes and the recurrent fevers, the surgery scarred leg with surgeries yet to come.
This morning, sitting on the back pew with his three best buddies fresh from a sleepover, he answered the alter call, walking up the aisle with a still less than expected gait. On his return, he whispered to the friend on his right, "Have you been saved?"
I smiled a bit. He answers even our wonders. He know that we are dust. He lavishes grace and fills a mother's heart, scarred from wondering and watching, with peace.
What will this nine-year-old become that this is necessary? Will he minister to those society rejects? Will his hand one day reach out to the fever stricken child or the amputee? Will he testify of God's Provision, of His Goodness, of His Mercy and Grace?
This afternoon, he visits his great aunt Lynn, pained with cancer, unable to eat or to speak. I watch her sleep and remember the letters and sweet cards, sent to Baltimore to him and to his sister, both eager to hear from home. She was faithful to write to them each week and they have been faithful to pray for her each night. Today her mother, his great-grandmother, sits at her bedside, grieved beyond words. And I wonder why. Why should a mother outlive her child? Why so many burdens, so many burdened?
I think of the little one from our little community waiting to be well enough for a new heart. And I think of his parents, waiting in a hospital room so far from their home, at times, I'm sure, wondering why. And the nine toes and shorter limb seem so pale in comparison.
And I recall the command:
Philippians 4:4
King James Version (KJV)
4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
And I think it's too hard. This is too much to ask. To rejoice always and again rejoice. And I reread because I think it's too hard, and in the rereading, I see the Lord. He is in the middle of the Rejoicing. Do you see Him? Can you see Him in the middle of the verse, in the middle of the circumstance, in the midst of your life? Are you looking closely enough or are you stuck in the difficulty? He isn't asking you to rejoice in the difficulty, He is asking you to rejoice in Him.
We can find Him, He reassures, IF we seek for Him with all of our hearts (Jeremiah 29:13)? If He knows us, that we are prone to wandering, then the Why's may be the only way to bring us to the SEEKING, and the SEEKING is the only way to bring us to HIM.
He humbles me, then, giving me Why's, leading me to Himself, leading me to lead you to Himself.
Will you Praise Him with me today, for fearfully, wonderfully orchestrating ALL things to bring You to Him? Will you Praise Him today who has prepared places for us --here and for all eternity!
I do see, it is truly inspiring and has given me things to think about.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very interesting story on your son. I believe he is very strong both mentally and physically.